Now, people are studying obese subjects because there're weight loss programs, like the one we had, and the subjects are available.
There's the Diet Code, this is the weight loss secrets of Leonardo Da Vinci, and you probably didn't know this, but see?
Now, if we look at different approaches to weight loss, there are dozens and dozens of approaches.
There's almost always some weight loss book on the best-seller list, and the question is, which of these approaches to dieting works the best?
Unfortunately, weight loss diets don't work very well, and that's one of the reasons why there is always a diet book on the best-seller list.
In this particular study, we took thirty people who enter in a weight loss clinic and we had them estimate the calories in these sort of common foods.
But also you'd think that if there was a group of people that really had been attending the calories it would be this group, because very few people who come in for weight loss are doing it for the first time, so almost everybody has been on lots of different dietary attempts and somewhere along the line they've been doing calories.