He lurched up the aisle, falling against two tables on the way and getting his hand wet in somebody's coffee.
like we're going to get really wet from the clouds and I will need my umbrella.
There was the faint, cool kiss of sensuality when dew came to my cheeks and shins as I ran down the wet green garden paths in the early morning.
It's cold. It's wet. It's white. I hate the color white.
Our vehicles sink into wet roads and crush dry roads because they are too big and heavy.
It's January, it's cold and wet in Ireland and,
You can see them like all of the teenage type stores like "Forever 21", "Wet Seal",
在青少年专卖店里,比如说 "Forever 21",“Wet Seal” 等,到处都能看到这种东西,
And whew! She's flying off the roof with anger, chasing him around the house trying to whip him with a wet towel, so on and so forth: a very dramatic scene again of powerlessness within the family, of being the victim of violence within the family.
There we committed sweet adultery; I woke wet, wept. . ."