That is to say, theory has certain ambitions to a totalization of what can be thought that resembles or rivals philosophy.
Or, if something goes wrong, trying to think of, you know, what can be learned out of it.
So what can you expect in terms of the preparation and the fundamentals that will empower you ultimately to tackle projects like these?
And what can happen is that this cartoon shows that if you put a magnetic field on liquid oxygen, that liquid oxygen would be drawn towards the magnetic field.
Milton's infusing this passage with a powerful sense of -- I don't know, what can we call it? -- of gender nonconformity and cultural relativity.
What can I conclude, now I've concluded that the strategies 68 through 100 essentially don't exist or have been deleted.
Why, in other words, return to what isn't fun, to where it isn't pleasure, and what can this possibly have to do with the pleasure principle?
Also, the law of the state in which the corporation is chartered also puts restrictions on what can be in the bylaws.
So, the father gets a Nobel Prize for showing that an electron is a particle, and the son says, well, what can I do to top that?
You wait a short amount of time, it goes to a new location, What can that be?
That is actually the peak of creation, what can I say ?
I've added the ability to have more complex data structures here. But I dropped a hint in the first lecture about what you could computer with things. In fact if you think for a second about that list, you could ask what can I compute with just that set of constructs?
What can help us individuals, what can help our community become happier-- not happy,happier.
These topics are sleep, laughter, and religion, mental illness, two lectures on madness, what can go wrong in your minds, and a last lecture on happiness.
What can you do with sound as interpreters?
You may not like me," he says to the jury, " "but I am good for you and furthermore he claims in this what can only be described as sort of quasi-religious language that he has no choice in the matter.