What do you think? Even with these glasses on, I can see no hands up, any suggestions? Somebody help me out.
most of it is really a kind of high-end stuff. You can see, you know, what's trendy, what's new there,
And what you can see in this picture is that these are actually, they're pretty young guys in this picture.
So here's what we find, and as you can see there -is this bass rhythm moving slowly or quickly?
Is this possible? That's what the first law says it's possible; work is heat, and heat is work, and they're the same thing. You can break even 100% maybe. So let's go back and see what work is.
It's a little distracting using the cups since they don't fit on table and also, you can't see what they previously looked like.
Well, well and good, but at the same time, if that's the case, and if there is this extraordinary emphasis on the importance of the expression of genius, you can see what's beginning to happen.
And this is all in the realm of literary interpretation: Read the story closely, see if you can figure out what's going on here.
When you go to Rome, you can walk and see what's left of their stock market.
23456789 All right, here I gave it a big number, 123456789. And again, I don't want to bore you, but you can see what's going on here with this trend.
so that's what he did, he rigged up a lever here, you can see.
There are really two purposes in us doing this: one was so you can get a fix on your own eating, and second you can see the challenges that are involved in assessing what people eat when you start doing studies linking diet to health.
So I think that's enough, you can follow along with the syllabus and see sort of what the topics are each week, what the reading assignment is to do before the lecture in order to get the most out of the lecture.
Yes, to me personally, I feel like it all depends on one's personal morals and like we can't sit here and just, like this is just my opinion, ... of course other people are going to disagree but Well we'll see, let's see what their disagreements are and then we'll see if they have reasons that can persuade you or not.
but I'd like to, I'd love to see a system where, where you can work as an attorney no matter what
Even though I'm here in the lecture hall, I can see into the hallway and tell you what's going on in it.
I don't know if you can see, probably not, what's written on here, so let me point out to you a few things.
And what is plotted below is the actual wave function, so you can see it starts very high and then the decays down.
So, what I'm showing in this picture here is just an electron cloud that you can see.