Why, then, should we not study the acquisition of a cognitive structure like language more or less as we study some complex bodily organ?
That's why "is a very good pattern for showing why you do or do not do something.
That's why”是一个非常好的句型,它可以表达你做或不做某事的原因,
Well, why not state chartered banks or why not credit unions or other things?
So, have you ever liked somebody or disliked them and not known why?
Or Ted. Why not Ted?
You remember in the first lecture I said there's a difference between the history of criticism and theory of literature, one difference being that the history of criticism has a great deal to do with literary evaluation: that is to say, why do we care about literature and how can we find means of saying that it's good or not good?
char * and frankly this is why we hide this detail in the first week or two because it's just not interesting to get into that early.
Finally though, the point that he makes is a terrific one, all of these things seem natural to us but the reason why they seem natural is not because they are in some sense necessary or logical truths.
It's seeking to ascertain the meaning of events to draw larger philosophical, ideological conclusions from the events of history, and to point to the larger purpose or design of history, not to say just what happened, but to say why it happened and what it means for us today that it did happen.