Likewise for mass, we will take a chunk of some material and we will call it a kilogram.
质量也是这样,我们找来一大块材料,然后称它为 1 千克
I will say this. What we call compound movements, big movements.
And we've been working with them What I will call it prototype; we have not yet done a complete project. But I wanted to show you some pieces of this on slides. So one of the things we've done is create a searchable archive.
The local sheriff will call out the guys and restore order when there's trouble.
For example, the experiment could be tossing a coin, I will call the outcome heads the number one, and I'll call the outcome tails the number zero, so I've just defined a random variable.
The question would have been what will happen if I go and try to settle a colony at the place which I will call Syracuse that's what I've been describing on the southeastern coast of Sicily.
And we will call that A + B.
我们就称它为 A + B
It will be expressed in a rhetoric of nakedness, or what Yeats will also call "coldness."
As for sections, there will be what we call super sections this coming Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.
And then I'll create this function, d1 this distribution d 1, which will, whenever I call it, give me a random, a uniformly selected value between minus and plus volatility.
He will be a member of what we might call the urban patriciate.
What is useful is point to somebody and say, "You in the green sweater, call the police," and the psychological evidence is if you--if somebody's-- if I am wearing the green sweater and somebody asks me to call the police I will call the police. I'm a good guy.
This will we call scattered now.
What will we call that in terms of orbitals?
No harm would be done if we call it a mind, though the reason I will typically talk about a soul is to try to flag the crucial point of the dualist view.
One of the things that we discussed was this type of imagery here where you have vertically these pillars, if you will, or we could even call--the more I sort of looked at this--sort of call them tree trunks almost.