She'd think he did it! It would be better to be the boyfriend, and act outraged, and tear the funhouse apart. Not act; be.
those two things, yeah. I think it's a lot better than a lot of other places would be.
Or would be better that more information and more expression was available but to a smaller audience which is probably the relevant audience for any person?
Let's just check. If my pair chooses Alpha, then my choosing Alpha yields 0, Beta -3: so Alpha would be better.
And from that perspective it looks as though it would be better to know how much time you've got left.
All right so it has to live in RAM as opposed to the hard drive because otherwise things would be terribly slow as you know so it's much better if your programs live while they're running in RAM and they end up in what's called the tech segment.
It would be much better if you had a reference point that didn't care where the pressure was.
If we didn't have financial arrangements, then the people near the impact would be in a terrible economic situation and the people on the other side would be much better off.
Or we've got to stay together for appearance's sake or we'd better stay together because financially it would be a disaster if we don't or all of the reasons other than intimacy and passion that people might commit to each other.
It would be better for us to go back to Egypt!
Then you get to The Epistle to the Hebrews, or,in what a better translation would be, The Letter to the Jews.
I think the smallpox vaccine we made now would probably be better, more effective, and safer than the vaccines we made in the '50s.
If the population would do more of this they'd be better off.
I would love for the economy to do better for us to be able to sell the house and, you know, get out from under it.
So, even if we were to agree with the pessimists that it would be better never to have been born at all, as the old joke goes, show me one person in a thousand who's so lucky, right?
If my opponent chooses Alpha and I choose Alpha, I get 0; Beta, I get -1. So Alpha would be better.