If you accept my estimates and you accept the capital asset pricing model, that would have to be true.
If you have any questions, anything that's not clear, if you agree or disagree with something, email me or email your TF and we'll always respond.
If you disagree with me, you're wrong and you should stop killing those babies.
And so you--of course, if you do disagree I think you're mistaken, so I'll think of you as denying the facts, but all right, that's a possibility.
I don't know, John, if you'd agree, right?
Now,if you're like Parfit,and for that matter like me then you're going to say,of course I care I want it to be the case that I'm one of the people who's already had the operation I don't want to be one of the people who hasn't yet had the operation ? You might say,how can that make any sense?