• "One of the things we need to start doing is to get ahead of the curve by trying to anticipate additional methods that can be used against us and closing the gaps before those gaps are exploited,"

    VOA: standard.2010.01.19

  • the total amount of the work that we can get out is just given by the area inside this curve.


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  • What other European cities can we get to by Eurostar?


    万丽酒店的魅力 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • And, if we do so, we can actually get a handle on that Born exponent by solving the equation.


    麻省理工公开课 - 固态化学导论课程节选

  • And the reason that they're the least sheilded is because they can get closest to the nucleus, so we can think of them as not getting blocked by a bunch of other electron, because there's some probability that they can actually work their way all the way in to the nucleus.


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  • Can we get the guy way at the back by the door.


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  • I can get this to show us how far up we are supposed to go, by placing it on some kind of grid here," and this is this--as I said before, the beginning of the first graph in the history of the West.


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  • Because of the way that we deal with taxes and mutual funds, you can get a tax bill for gains that were realized by the investment manager turning over the portfolio even though you might not have held the shares during the period when the gains were realized.


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  • And one way we can get to that is by looking at two pieces of data.


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  • So, we can get from these energy differences to frequency h by frequency is equal to r sub h over Planck's constant 1 times 1 over n final squared minus 1 over n initial squared.


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