You can see the atomic mass unit will be, excuse me. Let me go at it a different way.
Let me show you some examples so you can see what I mean.
Now we're going to see a bunch of examples and I know those are words, let me give you an example.
So let's just to see how you run through some of those calculations. Now let me just ask who here took 5.111? And who here took 5.112?
Let me go back to the overall schedule before you go to the individual segment who gets in to see him.
Let me just show you that by maxing them up and you can see they are exactly the same.
If You would deal thus with me, kill me rather, I beg You, and let me see no more of my wretchedness!"
I don't know if you can see, probably not, what's written on here, so let me point out to you a few things.
Okay, so let me do that and you'll see what I mean.
Let me see if this will help you understand.
And to see this,let me tell you two stories.
What kind of themes? Let me talk a little bit about some of them. Let me just talk about, oh, about three or four of them, just so you can see what hopefully you'll be getting yourself into.
Actually, let me put it on this board so you can see it.
Yeah, if my machine will come back up, there we go. So, I'm going to now go ahead and write a little piece of code, and I put it here and I hope you can actually see these better this time, let me uncomment that region.