It's the ottava rima in which all of the great Italian romance epics by poets -- favorite poets of Milton's like Ariosto and Tasso -- had been written.
I lived with Italians and, um, my entire life was not in English, um, for a year, um, which I loved,
He moves out and he goes on -- and of course, he's still being supported quite generously by his father -nonetheless, he goes on an extended tour through France and Italy.
However, when you keep going south in Italy, past Rome, Roman tradition says the city was founded in 754 or 753? 753.
Part of that is that along with Northern Italy, the Netherlands and England/Great Britain have, by far, the most urbanized population in Europe.
And so people, for instance, object to the fact that when there's Italian Americans on TV they're often members of the Sopranos, a mobster family.
In Italy, obviously, Milan and Turin were terribly important cities, and Rome, which is just sort of a sleepy, ecclesiastical capital full of tourists and clergy.
And she's flying over the ocean, except she's really a piece of spaghetti."
I won't sing for you or give you my Italian, but these famous lines, "London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down" and so on, these come from the conclusion to The Waste Land.
He and a number of other writers like, for example, the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben, are the figures whom we identify with what's called "the ethical turn" in thinking about texts, literature and other matters that is very much of the current moment.
In Renaissance Italy they started writing insurance policies-- I read one of the insurance policies, it's in the Journal of Risk and Insurance-- and they translate a Renaissance insurance policy and it's very hard to understand what this policy was saying.
Now if you lived in a culture where the only meat that got served was the size of a deck of cards, and the only pasta that got served was the size of a tennis ball, there wouldn't be such problems, but that's not the case.
I live in an area called Cobble Hill, which was an Italian neighborhood at one point, and it changed.
Then around one thousand in northern Italy, an enterprising fellow named Guido of Arezzo came along and said, "Well, you know what?
Poor little Salvatore," she said in Italian.
It is fitting and proper that The Prince concludes, the last chapter, chapter 26, concludes with a patriotic call to his countrymen to emancipate themselves and liberate Italy from foreign invaders.
we can go to the restaurant across the street that Italian place that we always go to.
So, that was one of the biggest, one of the biggest, uh, forces for change. It was my experience living in Italy.
This data comes half from the Italian league, which is pretty good and half from the French league, which sucks.
This is where Milton describes the outpouring of enthusiasm that he received for his poetry from a number of learned Italians during his recent travels to Italy.
Vallombrosa is a place in Italy that Milton had actually visited as a young man.
In fact, this is an argument that's been made a number of times, and I think there's a lot of sense to it -the last eight lines of Lycidas are written in a very specific line form the Italian scheme of the ottava rima.
Italy is not unified--to the extent it has ever been unified-- until the 1860s and 1870s.
For example, a portion of pasta according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture would be about the amount of pasta that would be the size of a tennis ball.
If you look at Greece in this period, I don't know if I've used this term before, but some scholars refer to this general period we're talking about as the Greek renaissance by analogy to the renaissance in Italy.
What the Dutch painters painted reflects in the same way that Renaissance art reflected what was important to Renaissance Italy.
I'm going down the pasta aisle or whatever, and I have the daughter of Ravi Shankar over my shoulder.
Machiavelli was a kind of political junkie, you could say, in things happening in Italy and else where.
Cyprus, likewise, suffers from these attacks, and so far west as Italy and Sicily are under attack.
Or, if you move further down, you get into Savoie, which was Savoy, Hautes-Savoie, Savoie, which were next in they spoke an Italian language.