• Now in the passage I gave you, Freud says a very interesting thing, which is that after all, we have absolutely no objective evidence that the unconscious exists.


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  • Again, whether it's conscious, subconscious, explicit or implicit, the question though is in fact it is important, should it be important?


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  • he's well known for his account of phallic symbols, arguing certain architectural monuments are subconsciously developed as penile representations.


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  • The point of anchoring is that you are subconsciously influenced by numbers and it affects your judgment; you think you know.


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  • Maybe at the conscious level he believed he was mortal, but at the unconscious level he believed he was immortal.


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  • Right. The unconscious, Freud is saying, is something that we have to infer from the way consciousness operates.


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  • He is a soul at war with himself, and potentially therefore, at war with others.


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  • I was deciding between political science at the time and computer science because I have always been fascinated by cities and at some point want to maybe potentially go into government I'm still not quite sure if I have more effect there or more effect in programming.


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  • Because the U.S. is an arguably very successful country, so we have, potentially, a bias in--it's called a selection bias.


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  • They walk slower toward the elevator., then the people who were not primed with these old words, subconscious completely.


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  • The Freudian slip is something that one lives with simply as a phenomenon of the slippage of consciousness under the influence of the unconscious.


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  • The people who were primed, subconsciously with words related to achievement, did better on tests than control group.


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  • Or, and this is the same: in his unconscious, every one of us is convinced of his immortality.


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  • You remember that Freud said we have to infer the unconscious from the erratic behavior of consciousness.


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  • The psychoanalysis is about basically understanding mostly through the subconscious: that's how you understand it; that's how you improve the quality of life.


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  • There's got to be something back there, so we're going to call it "the unconscious" and we're going to try to describe it.


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  • So the spin on consciousness for Freud is the unconscious.


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  • We need to distinguish perhaps between what he consciously believes and what he unconsciously believes.


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  • Of course you dream about your mother because your unconscious cares about her.


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  • And yet, their subconscious mind limited them, prevented them from breaking that barrier that happened to be not a physical barrier as doctors, physiologists and scientists had claimed.


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  • And here's why. Because this is the No. 1-- equating to selfishness and immorality is the No. 1 cause-- subconsciously mostly, but not only-- No. 1 cause of unhappiness.


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  • Happiness, whether we like it or not, whether it's consciously , subconsciously, whether it's explicit or implicit, for most people-- not all, but for most people, it is the highest end.


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  • What's more interesting is below even that there may be unconscious associations that work that people don't actually know about but affects their thoughts about race, gender and other social groups.


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  • If I could see the unconscious, it'd be conscious.


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  • When we are studying the best within ourselves, we are potentially prescribing.


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  • Freud finally argues for exactly the same relationship between consciousness that is to say, what I think I am thinking from minute to minute and the unconscious, which perpetually in one way or another unsettles what I'm thinking and saying from minute to minute.


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  • Suppose,for example,that if you really did believe, fundamentally,unconsciously,all the way down-- however we should put it--if you really did believe you were going to die, the horror of that would lead you to start screaming and just keep screaming.


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  • What you don't know is that pictures of black faces or pictures of white faces are being flashed on the screen but they're being flashed on the screen subliminally so fast you don't even know you're seeing them.


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  • First of all, the work of Barge, priming is when we have subconscious or conscious priming.


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