Such phenomena as a brilliant diamond or a nesting bird are relegated to the role of data, serving as the means for formulating or testing a new theory.
This connection happens not only by means of collaborative development, review and testing, but also at conferences where faculty regularly decide on their textbooks and curricula for the coming year.
It reduces risks by means of automated testing.
Such antibodies could be manufactured and used to treat flu directly, says Marasco, although the need for safety testing means none will be ready in time for the current pandemic.
As previously noted, it is true that unit testing and Design by Contract accomplish similar objectives by different means.
This means testing the backup and imaging solutions, the stability of installed software and the ability to switch away from RAID without significantly disrupting your existing setup.
Additional capabilities provide the means of testing the pixel color of a screen coordinate or even capturing a whole area of the screen as an image buffer.
This limited testing for a complex set of standards means you'll often encounter problems if you try anything that's not in the mainstream.
Iterative regression testing means testing what makes sense in each phase and iteration.
This rule means, in effect, that testing story a also includes running all relevant regression tests for previously implemented stories.
RUP describes testing as a means for continuously assuring quality throughout the software development lifecycle.
Evaluating an argument means testing the logic of a text as well as its credibility and emotional impact.
They may be a good means of testing memory, but they can tell you nothing about a person's true ability and aptitude.
Validating SOAs means testing components at the service level as well as at the level of composite applications.
Deploying and testing a mediation requires a messaging bus and a means to put messages on the queue you intend to mediate.
Manual testing can be completely effective for testing new or modified functionality, but manual testing is almost always impractical as a means of guarding against regression.
This means that developing and testing components will require that the developer take on some of the deployment duties, if only temporarily for the purposes of testing the code.
Simply put, unit testing means writing code to test other code.
It means considering the big picture and testing the boundaries of current assumptions.
However, switching the environment on and waiting for failures to occur is not going to be an efficient means of testing that the various redundant components and failover technologies work.
The RESTdoc interface does not provide a means for automated testing, but it is great for initial application development or for client programmers who are trying to learn about a service.
Automated testing for Web applications means bypassing the Web browser and working with the Web site through your program.
More testing also means morefalse positives, more unnecessary invasive procedures, more patient stress andhigher costs.
The question mark at the end of the method name means that the method is testing for something and will return True or False.
This is great for web developers because it means the pages they are testing are instantly restored when they return to the feature they were working on.
So not just 18, 000 packages, but just about that many that are officially supported by the Debian team--that means compatibility and performance testing as well as maintenance updates.
(I know, I said I wouldn't talk about cost, but in this case paying only for what you use means your budget for testing can go farther).
If each user works with you for an hour, that means one or two days of testing, peruser group.
And that means you have to spend a long time testing it.
And that means you have to spend a long time testing it.