So which metering mode do I actually use ?
When photographing the moon, I set my camera to manual mode and select the spot metering mode.
To make this work, use the partial metering mode (or spot metering mode) over the subject where you want to lock the flash output then press the asterisk (*) button.
As described above, when you are using the flash in plain TTL mode, the flash metering system does not take the ambient into account when determining how much light to put out.
The AE lock mode locks the exposure value for precise exposure metering.
The metering results show: there are two factors which influence herdsmen to choose management mode, they are the area of grassland and the cost of steppe netting.
It is point out that the determination of heat rates, collection of heat tariff and mode of heat metering for metered heating system are related each other.
It is point out that the determination of heat rates, collection of heat tariff and mode of heat metering for metered heating system are related each other.