It also can easily be upgraded to Microsoft SQL Server.
A vendor example of this scenario is Microsoft SQL Server.
这个场景的一个供应商示例是Microsoft SQL Server。
Below is an example of a Stored Procedure for Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
下面是一个针对Microsoft SQL Server 2005的示例存储过程。
Relational databases such as Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server are non-temporal.
关系数据库如Oracle或Microsoft SQL Server是无时态的。
Note: These instructions assume that the Microsoft SQL Server is the database type used.
注意:下列指导假定使用Microsoft SQL Server数据库类型。
In the Choose Data Source dialog, select Microsoft SQL Server as Data Source and click Continue.
在选择数据库对话框中,选择Microsoft SQL Server作为数据源,然后点继续。
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Policies are examples of how you can take advantage of Policy Based Management.
Microsoft SQL Server 2008策略是一组示例,展示了你应该如何利用基于策略管理的优势。
This document assumes that Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is the database used in the Controller installation.
本文档假设在安装Controller 的过程中使用的数据库是Microsoft SQL Server 2005。
The server data store is an enterprise relational database server such as IBM DB2, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server.
服务器数据存储是企业关系数据库,如IBMDB2、Oracle或Microsoft SQL Server。
This is not necessary (and not even supported) for Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, DB2(LUW, z/OS, iSeries) procedures.
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 report Builder 2.0 provides an intuitive report authoring environment for business and power users.
Microsoft SQL Server 2008ReportBuilder 2.0为业务和高级用户提供了一个直观的报表创作环境。
TIP: The file can be edited for an Microsoft SQL Server FAP database, or an Oracle FAP database connection.
提示:FAPService .properties文件可以针对一个Microsoft SQL ServerFAP数据库或一个Oracle FAP数据库连接进行编辑。
Depending on the security policies that your installation USES, you might want to create a new username for Microsoft SQL Server use.
根据您的安装所使用的安全性策略,您可能想创建一个新用户名来使用Microsoft SQL Server。
Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server procedures that return a result set always return 0 as the integer return status, the actual status value is ignored.
返回结果集的Sybase 过程总是返回0作为整数返回状态,实际的返回状态值被忽略。
Although the provided examples in the paper refer to Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle only, the same techniques can be applied to other Databases as well.
本文中给出的例子都是针对Microsoft SQL Server和Oracle的,但同样的技术也可以被应用到其他数据库系统。
In addition, the press release release is talking about technologies such as social computing, federated search, Microsoft Web Services and Microsoft SQL Server.
此外,这则新闻还提到社交计算、联合搜索、微软网络服务和微软SQL Server等话题。
Problem: Business Events V6.2.1 is installed with Microsoft SQL Server database as the repository, and you see an unsupported database warning, as shown in Figure 1.
问题:在安装BusinessEvents v6.2.1时使用Microsoft SQL Server数据库作为存储库,看到不支持的数据库警告,见图1。
And, although I don't show it here, I also configured my DB2 II environment to access data in local XML files, a local MySQL DBMS, and a remote Microsoft SQL Server DBMS.
而且,虽然这里没有显示,但我还是配置了我的DB 2II环境,以访问本地XML文件、本地MySQLDBMS以及远程Microsoft SQL Server DBMS中的数据。
It has performance issues and other quirks (like requiring you to read column values in the same order you do the select if you're using Microsoft SQL Server for your database).
因为它存在一些性能方面的问题和其他方面的一些缺点(例如,如果您使用Microsoft SQL Server作为数据库,那么要求必须按照与选择列相同的顺序来读取列的值)。
There was a lot of press coverage about this announcement, despite that fact that a server wasn't available from any vendor with a dual core architecture that Microsoft SQL Server could run on.
对于这份声明有大量的媒体报道,但实际上没有任何服务器能提供具有双核心架构的服务器来运行Microsoft SQL Server。
Based on this fact, you can come up with the following dependency elements for a datasource that accesses a Microsoft SQL 2000 server (Listing 3).
根据这一事实,您可以提供以下访问Microsoft SQL 2000服务器的数据源的依赖元素(清单3)。
The resource adaptor provides access to a Microsoft SQL 2000 server database with local transaction support.
该资源适配器提供对具有本地事务支持的Microsoft SQL 2000服务器数据库的访问。
The resource adaptor provides access to a Microsoft SQL 2000 server database with XA transaction support.
该资源适配器提供对具有 XA事务支持的Microsoft SQL 2000服务器数据库的访问。
tranql-connector-websphere-embed-local-1.0.rar: This is the TranQL IBM WebSphere Connect JDBC Driver Embedded Local Resource Adapter for Microsoft SQL 2000 server.
tranql-connector-websphere-embed-local-1.0.rar:这是用于Microsoft SQL 2000 服务器的TranQLIBM WebSphereConnectJDBC DriverEmbedded LocalResourceAdapter。
Repository \ websphere \ jars: This directory contains the websphere embedded JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL 2000 database server.
repository \websphere \jars:这个目录包含用于Microsoft SQL 2000数据库服务器的websphere嵌入式JDBC驱动程序。
Microsoft has made available SQL server Express, a free and limited edition of their database server, which can be used to test the server and applications using it.
微软已经提供了SQL Server快捷版,那是一个免费且功能有限的数据库版本,我们可以使用它来测试服务器和应用程序。
"The design of date share website based" used by Microsoft Visual and SQL server software develop which is a network platform for users manage data, browse and download.
《基于。net的数据共享网站的设计》是运用MicrosoftVisual Studio . net与SQL server软件联合开发的用于互联网用户进行数据的管理,浏览与下载的一个网络平台。
It replaces DTS packages as one of the primary ways to move large amounts of data into and out of SQL Server from other data sources such as flat files and non-Microsoft databases.
它代替DTS包作为一个首要的方式,来把大量的数据从其他类似的平面文件和非微软数据库的数据源中移入到SQL Server中,或从SQL Server移出。
Microsoft will continue to provide the free SQL Server Express editions for users interested in running small evaluation projects with a 10gb database size limit.
微软会继续为用户提供免费的SQL Server快捷版,他们可以在上面运行小型的评估项目,数据库大小的限制为10gb。
Microsoft will continue to provide the free SQL Server Express editions for users interested in running small evaluation projects with a 10gb database size limit.
微软会继续为用户提供免费的SQL Server快捷版,他们可以在上面运行小型的评估项目,数据库大小的限制为10gb。