Military presence and its impact on Japanese residents have been a thorny issue over the years.
Others issue dire warnings about squalene, an immune booster used in military vaccines and in some European flu vaccines but not in any American ones.
But soon after the Cold War intensified, he could no longer be quiet on an issue that was vastly important to him, namely, the relationship between liberty and military expansionism.
Turkey was opposed to military options for dealing with the issue.
China attaches importance to the issue of military transparency and has been committed to enhancing mutual trust in the military field with other countries.
But perhaps the most profound issue surrounding my receipt of this prize is the fact that I am the Commander-in-Chief of the military of a nation in the midst of two wars.
Liberthal noted that while it appears China is unwilling to move on the currency issue, it is likely that it will make efforts in other areas, including resuming military-to-military dialogues.
Jack was also clad in airport maintenance overalls. His black combat chukkas, however, were standard-issue military.
The conference recommended that a high-level civilian-military group on UASs be set up to discuss how to take the issue forward.
Needless to say these explanations never address the issue of climate manipulation for military use.
On every issue, the world turns to us, not simply because of the size of our economy or our military might - but because of the ideals we stand for, and the burdens we bear to advance them.
China will be vigilant against Japan's interference in the South China Sea issue, its military return to the South China Sea in particular.
As a result, the United States three destroyers into the south China sea, heating, military purpose is to make the south China sea issue.
For most people, most of the time, their country's ranking in terms of military power is not a big issue.
What exactly could have happened in the"military-industrialist" establishment that would have causedEisenhower to issue such a strongly worded warning?
Representatives of many countries at the conferences were of the view that military means does not offer a fundamental solution to the Afghanistan issue.
The United States has not ruled out military action, but officials have said they favor peaceful means of resolving the issue.
Seal packaging of equipment is of remarkable military and economy benefit, and also an important issue of equipment management.
Reliability is a critical issue in military transmission network.
The formation control problem for vessels is a practical and strategic issue for the military and civilian.
A design framework of a remote maintenance system for ship electronic equipment based on military Internet is proposed, and the implementation issue of key modules in the system is described.
Military logistics capability research is a new issue in military logistics area.
Military logistics capability research is a new issue in military logistics area.