Put the fruit in a bowl. Then put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt. Finally mix it all up.
Could you mix up the eggs, milk, vanilla and cinnamon the night before? So all you have to do is dip bread in it for French toast the next morning.
Given all made the same mistake, this was no mere semantic mix-up - it reflects a mind-set.
Could you mix up the eggs, milk, vanilla and cinnamon the night before so all you have to do is dip bread in it for French toast the next morning?
pA I'm trying mix up the partial pressures and the total pressure in all ways that I know how to write it And then hope that something's going to come out that's going to be helpful.
You can go with all one color, mix it up a bit, or go for a full blown multi-color bonanza.
Structurally, all that's there holding it up is the filler mix, but it's concrete and it's very strong and durable.
Mix all the liquors and the sweet and sour with ice. Then shake it and pour into glass. Top it up with cola.
All the ghost-like keyboards sounds and weird strings were completely gutted out of his mix, like he'd gone in with a razor blade and chopped it all up. It was horrible.
Step 2Pick a setting for the movie. High school is usually the best, but a beach during summer or a shopping mall is good. Or if you're ambitious, mix it up with different scenes set all over.
给影片选择一个场景。高中通常是最好的选择但是夏天的海滩或者是购物广场也不赖。如果你野心十足 也可以把这些不同场景全都用上。
Step 2Pick a setting for the movie. High school is usually the best, but a beach during summer or a shopping mall is good. Or if you're ambitious, mix it up with different scenes set all over.
给影片选择一个场景。高中通常是最好的选择但是夏天的海滩或者是购物广场也不赖。如果你野心十足 也可以把这些不同场景全都用上。