We work for the money and we have trouble because of the work stress.
Kathy Parker later recalled, "he basically took our money and we thought he was real."
The company keeps losing money and we have to reduce some staff to save the costs.
My dad always worked as a ranch hand, so we didn't make much money and we always lived a long way from town.
Still in our daily life, I feel the importance of money and we know the power of it and will be dealing with money every day.
These days we have more money and more leisure to enjoy it.
We need more money for roads, hospitals and schools.
We handed over all our gold and money.
We have to work within severe constraints of time and money.
It's all relative though, isn't it? We never had any money when I was a kid and $500 was a fortune to us.
With money and careful planning, we can boost efficiency up to a point.
We can't just get money to send to these areas and hope that will work them out.
As a society, we might want to rethink the time and money spent on education, so that these resources can benefit a greater percentage of the population.
When we prevent physical waste, increase energy efficiency or improve resource productivity, we save money, improve profitability and enhance competitiveness.
I added some of my money to his without letting him see and we started to count it.
We claim that the rich have the right to keep their money — which misses the point that all of us live in and benefit from being part of a larger society.
Other people believe that getting money or other rewards makes kids do chores happily and it also teaches them real-world lessons about what we need to do to make money.
"Our daddy is very sick and we have no money to buy food and coal," I answered.
"Maybe we should spend less money trying to figure out who is better than who," he said, suggesting that some more equal dividing up of money might be more productive and more efficient.
"Wealth" in this sense is not money, for we do not live on money but on things that money can buy: "goods" such as food and clothing, and "services" such as transport and entertainment.
If we attach too much importance to money, we cannot find the real meaning of life, and nor can we find pleasure in life.
So we emptied our pockets, and all our money added up to $3.
At the end of the activity, we raised 5000 yuan in total, and we donated all the money to a local orphanage.
I'd like to speak to Mr. Grand to discuss ways in which we could help TGC protect itself from such problems and save money at the same time.
All that winter, three days a week, we received a bucket of coal, a gift and, sometimes, money.
I'd like to speak to Mr Grand to discuss ways in which we could help TGC protect itself from such problems and save money at the same time.
Nowadays, we're all on credit cards, we're doing online purchases, and money is kind of becoming a less physical and more imaginary type of thing that we can't get our hands around.
Other people say that we should spend the money on teaching science, as this can move a country forward and benefit the economy.
Every day, we spend time filling the necessary tasks bottle with useful things, like making money, doing housework, buying food and paying bills.
Every day, we spend time filling the necessary tasks bottle with useful things, like making money, doing housework, buying food and paying bills.