How to improve the efficiency of transportation and build a system of multi-modal transport system turns into an urgent problem.
Article 319 The operator of multi-modal transport shall, when receiving the goods consigned for transport by the consignor, issue multi-modal transport documents.
The major difference is that CFR can only be used for sea and inland waterway transport, while CPT can be used for any mode of transport including multi-modal transport.
17 ~ 28: these articles set out the specific requirements of the UCP 600 regarding particular types of documents tendered for payment, e. g. multi-modal transport documents, the UCP 600.
第17 ~28条:这些条款阐明了《跟单信用证统一惯例600》中特殊类型的付款单证的具体要求,例如:《跟单信用证统一惯例600》下的多式联运单据。
Major public transport stop Multi-modal transit hubs served by more than one kind of public transport system, central station or depot for transit passengers.
Major public transport stop Multi-modal transit hubs served by more than one kind of public transport system, central station or depot for transit passengers.