If you've watched Tom Cruise's "Vanilla Sky" then you'll notice him driving a Highland Green late 60's Ford Mustang Fastback through the streets of New York.
如果你有看过汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)主演的电影【香草天空(Vanilla Sky)】,你会发现他在戏里面驾驶著一辆60年代末期出厂、草绿色的福特揭背式野马(Ford Mustang Fastback)驰骋纽约街头。
If you've watched Tom Cruise's "Vanilla Sky" then you'll notice him driving a Highland Green late 60's Ford Mustang Fastback through the streets of New York.
如果你有看过汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)主演的电影【香草天空(Vanilla Sky)】,你会发现他在戏里面驾驶著一辆60年代末期出厂、草绿色的福特揭背式野马(Ford Mustang Fastback)驰骋纽约街头。