Such cuts are defensible: the contribution subsidy raises pensions by a negligible amount, for example.
Build operations however, which often involve processing the entire content of a rule project will take a non-negligible amount of time to be performed.
In fact, its impact on wages will probably be negligible, since only a very small proportion of all Kirfandic workers are currently receiving less than KD5.
Goldman Sachs converted to bank holding company status only last fall so it could gain access to cheap money from the Federal Reserve. It has a negligible retail banking presence.
The repercussions for server space usage are negligible to the system, and in any case compressed tar files take up only a little more space than using efficient check-in.
We assume that the time spent executing the instructions in the program is negligible, but there is a slight bias introduced by that time.
For queries that touch only a small to medium number of rows, the performance difference between the two test databases was negligible.
To get that figure, however, they had to assume that the damage caused buy the first mutation has a negligible effect on fitness.
It is true that human activity is causing a steady, measurable decline in the oxygen content of the world's air, although as yet this decline is negligible.
Yet despite a dramatic reduction in cost-a 98% fall in drug prices since 1996 - treatment coverage in Africa remains negligible.
But gold plays a negligible role in their asset allocations.
Insects and pathogens are integral components of forest ecosystems and normally are present at a relatively low density, causing little damage, and having negligible impact on tree growth and vigour.
There is a strong correlation between a good education, higher earnings and a lower (though not negligible) risk of becoming unemployed.
On the other hand, if your lookup data USES a single form and if there are only hundreds of documents, then there is a negligible effect on your main database.
However, TCDD does not affect genetic material and there is a level of exposure below which cancer risk would be negligible.
But markets for commodities are global, and the risk of any one consumer cornering supplies, or securing them at a lower price, is negligible.
If many lookups are being performed, enabling caching will yield a noticeable performance gain; otherwise performance gains are negligible.
The long half-lives of PCDDs, PCDFs and “dioxin-like” PCBs mean that each daily ingestion has a small or even a negligible effect on overall intake.
But that depends on negligible inflation; and given that the current American rate is 3.8% and that the average rate since 1900 has been 3.1%, this is a big risk for investors to take.
Merely passing through an area where an H5N1 outbreak in birds has been confirmed carries a negligible risk of exposure.
By being willing to take a risk on entrepreneurial sorts who lack any other way to start a business, microcredit may help reduce poverty in the long run, even if its short-run effects are negligible.
Antiviral resistance to neuraminidase inhibitors has been clinically negligible so far but is likely to be detected during widespread use during a pandemic.
The wind was so light that it had only a negligible effect on the outside temperature.
In the first half of the 20th century, India's GDP grew at a negligible rate of about 0.1% per annum.
In the first half of the 20th century, India's GDP grew at a negligible rate of about 0.1% per annum.