For the universal ability of network connect, UNCS is divided into two layers, Kernel layer and Adapter layer, and they have different target.
Electronic book readers must have some method of downloading books: The Amazon Kindle USES a cellular-based network connection to connect directly to Amazon's server.
Large networks attack can be researched base on the graph theory, because the character of its network connect and route of spread is related closely to weighted and oriented graph.
Nowadays we live in increasingly connected world. However, our client applications cannot obtain network connect in many cases, or need to work explicitly disconnecting from the network.
I usually have my laptop resting on my knee and connect to the local wireless network.
This will increase capacity to connect the cell towers to AT&T's main network.
It is a new network after 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G and it can connect everyone and everything together.
这是继 1G、2G、3G 和 4G 之后新的网络通信技术。该技术可以将所有人、所有事联系在一起。
You could also connect people together from your network.
"As you may be aware, some customers have been unable to connect to the PlayStation Network today, " said Sony in a statement.
“可能你们已经知道了,现在有一些用户不能够连接到索尼的游戏网络平台” ,索尼官方声明中说。
A computer on the stub domain attempts to connect to a computer outside the network, such as a Web server.
It will be like a TV on demand service, but based on P2P where clients connect to the network and download TV programs.
他更像是一个点播电视服务,但却是基于P 2 P网络,在这里用户连接到网络并下载电视节目。
You could ask the VC for an introduction, but use your own network to connect as well.
The commands in these two scripts are sufficient to connect a network of any arbitrary size.
This can be useful in disconnected operations -- notebook computers that occasionally connect to the enterprise network.
Getting them to seamlessly connect to the company network can be a challenge.
To prepare to use LXC, we will create a bridge (see Resources) and use it to connect our real network interface with the container's network interface.
More likely the virtual network will be used over public networks or to connect multiple hosts together into a single virtual network.
Sometimes it is desirable to limit who can connect based upon network information.
However, devices with the other unchanged key shall continue to be able to connect to the wireless Hosted Network.
These converged applications enable you to connect older legacy network technologies with the new IP-based network technologies.
Information returned can provide insight into the performance of the network (socket connect response time) and network failure reason codes.
Connect to your VLAN using an encrypted virtual private network (VPN) connection.
Asian nations have agreed to form a network of railroads that aims to connect 28 countries in the region to each other and Europe.
Connect Slave node to private network.
To connect your corporate network to a private VLAN in an IBM Cloud data center, you need the following.
All of the DB2 Connect network optimizations outlined in this section are vitally important to a healthy and scalable system.
这一节中列出的DB 2Connect的所有网络优化对于一个健康的、可伸缩的系统来说是极为重要的。
Connect to the network drive using the net use command.
Select the appropriate media, cables, ports, and connectors to connect switches to other network devices and hosts
Select the Advanced tab, and then select the check box for allowing other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection (see Figure 6).
The primary goal of a social network is to connect people, to simplify their communication, and to help them stay in touch.