A new Georgia Tech information Security Center report cites search engines, mobile phones and personal information as prime targets for hackers.
His speech was devoted entirely to relations between Russia and the west, calling for a new beginning following a year of tension that followed last summer's war between Russia and Georgia.
It also has oil and gas, which a consortium led by BP is extracting from the Caspian Sea and pumping through new pipelines across Georgia to Turkey and beyond.
The European Union signed the new energy deal during a summit in Prague with four countries - Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
According to a new study conducted by researchers from Georgia Tech and the University of Lyon, in France, there would rarely be traffic if all drivers behaved the same way.
A trend often masquerades as a cycle at the start, and evidence suggests that these scarce krill years may foreshadow a new South Georgia.
He has lobbied hard for new candidates, including the Baltic states, which joined NATO in 2004, and most recently for Georgia.
But it was soon expanded to include other new neighbours (Belarus and Moldova), older Mediterranean neighbours and, for good measure, the Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia).
Notably, though, the state of Georgia has shown, according to the new report, a steady climb in language course enrollment, going from 31, 611 in 2002 to 44, 258 in 2009.
The harvest season begins in the fall in Georgia and Florida and ends in February in New Mexico.
Energy: New U.S. nuke reactor goes online in Georgia, first since Three Mile Island crisis.
To be sure, thinkers - diplomats, scholars, writers - say the Russian blitz into Georgia represents a new world, but what kind of new world is undefined.
A similar bill that requires inmates to pay for their incarceration was introduced in New Jersey this year; so was another one in Georgia, which was rejected.
A new scheme, the Azerbaijan-Georgia-Romania Interconnector (AGRI), aims to use an existing trans-Caucasus pipeline, and then tankers across the Black Sea.
He says the new document will guarantee fairness for blacks in Georgia.
Then came New Hampshire, then South Carolina, then Maryland, Georgia, and Colorado.
In 1735 both Wesleys accompanied James Oglethorpe to the new colony of Georgia, where John's attempts to apply his then high - church views aroused hostility.
Years ago I lived in the "Peach State" of Georgia, and I grew up in New Mexico, whose slogan is "Land of Enchantment."
As part of the 2007 RoboCup in Atlanta, Georgia, a new fleet of bots debuted in the Nanogram Demonstration competition in July.
Soong-Mei-ling arrived in America at age 10, studying at a boarding school in New Jersey and a public school in Georgia before graduating from Wellesley College.
宋美龄10岁时到了美国,在从威尔斯利学院(Wellesley College,马萨诸塞州)毕业之前,先后在新泽西的一家寄宿学校和乔治亚州的一所公立学校就读。
Hours after he uttered those words, Wipro, an Indian pioneer of software services said it would open a new development centre in Atlanta, Georgia, that will report to its headquarters in Bangalore.
Ron Clark is now starting a new school in Atlanta, Georgia—probably his biggest adventure yet!
Ron Clark is now starting a new school in Atlanta, Georgia—probably his biggest adventure yet!