It is understood that none of the other girls who reported side-effects was admitted to hospital.
In 2009, Tajikistan reported 35 cases of acute flaccid paralysis, of which none were caused by wild poliovirus.
Apart from Iraq, none of the countries newly affected during February has reported human cases.
Nineteen attacks were reported off the coast of Benin in 2011, after none in 2010.
None of the key markets reported RevPAR decreases for the month.
None of the news reports said why the incident was being reported more than a month after it occurred.
Kemmerling reported both aerial and subaerial fumarolic activity for the TAM crater, but none was observed in 1992.
Charlie Joughin, Titanic's chief baker, said that he had been standing near the stern when the ship went under, but he reported none of the signs of a high-angle break.
泰坦尼克号的主面包师Charlie Joughin说当船下沉时他就在船尾附近,船尾没有升到很高。
However, none of the studies have reported any bad outcomes or complications.
The researchers said none of the patients reported any side effects from the treatment.
None have been reported in the United States.
None of the men had reported for duty.
Since the first reported cases, many substances in the pyrolysate have been studied as potentially leading to the leukoencephalopathy but none has been positively identified.
Many Australian triathletes have competed at the Beijing World Cup event in the past three years. Davoren said none had reported breathing problems.
For years, their neighbors had heard them fighting but none of them though of reporting the matter to police, Hainan Special Zone News reported.
Many papers have focused on the research of these adaptive bias circuits, but none has reported on the comparison and analysis of these bias circuits.
The police threatened to charge Terry with receiving stolen property but he was as clever as a cart load of monkeys and pointed out that none of the items had been reported stolen.
And when the subjects woke up and retook the test, they were better at placing the 25 objects that sounded off during the siesta. Even though none of them reported actually hearing anything.
Adverse events were mild to moderate in severity and none of the people in the active treatment groups were reported to have dropped out of the studies because of treatment-emergent adverse events.
None of the infrequent tanners who took the drug reported these symptoms.
More than 20 attacks have been reported off the coast of Benin this year, there were none last year.
The effects of alternate-day fasting on body weight differ according to the study (and none have been reported in overweight people).
的效果因体重而有不同(超重的人不算在内) 。
But none of the custom LASIK patients reported night driving halos or glare.
But none of the custom LASIK patients reported night driving halos or glare.