Love starts with nothing but love.
Love is starting out with nothing but love.
Love is starting out with nothing but love.
Love eis starting out with nothing but love.
Love is... starting out with nothing but love.
That summer was gone. We could do nothing but love each other.
Nothing but love, responsibility, and knowledge can make a good teacher.
I have nothing but love and respect for him and the way that he handled things at Apple!
My inner eyes, I call them the eyes of my soul, see nothing but love and joy. That's it! There are no other options available to them.
Their teachers were the very best, so lessons were expensive, more than they could really afford, but…when you love your art, nothing is too much.
I used to love her but she's nothing to me any more.
Nothing dearer than feelings, but, I'm trying to forget my feelings of love.
In the fastpaced, constantly changing world of youth where everything ispermitted, but nothing is certain, people have time for passion butare scared of the commitment of love.
在如今这个快节奏、不断变化的年轻人的世界,人们可以做任何事,但没有什么是必然的。 人们有时间享受激情,却往往害怕爱情的承诺。
In the fast paced, constantly changing world of youth where everything is permitted, but nothing is certain, people have time for passion but are scared of the commitment of love.
Of course I still love my family and friends, but nothing is permanent, and when change comes, which it inevitably will, the best thing to do is to take it head in and learn to make the most of it.
Nothing but God's own sovereign good pleasure compels Him to love sinners.
Nothing but His own sovereign will governs His love.
“Human dignity”, she writes, “requires the love of ideals for their own sake, but nothing requires that the love will be requited.”
“People love us or hate us,” said Lena, the soulful8 redhead9 in the group. “But nobody think nothing about us.”
"I'd love nothing better than to lead the lads to some silverware next year but I don't want to raise expectation by saying that will definitely happen," Gerrard told
杰拉德说道:“没有什么比带领小伙子们在新赛季获得冠军奖杯更让我开心的事了,但是我不想提高期望值,我不想说这事情肯定会发生。 眼高手低是非常愚蠢的行为,伴随着达格利什的转正以及一些新援的加盟,我相信我们会脚踏实地的走好每一步。”
All-or-nothing (I love you one minute but, in a temper tantrum, I hate you.)
I wanted to just take her in my arms, but with the love I had for her and the constant pain in my stomach, I did nothing.
Were it for nothing but his love of you, I must always have esteemed him; but now, as Bingley's friend and your husband, there can be only Bingley and yourself more dear to me.
If anyone in New Jersey asked me about my love life, I told them about a girl back in Boston; if anyone in Boston asked, I told them I was having fun but that there was nothing serious.
A woman can be proud and stiff When on love intent; But love has pitched his mansion in; The place of excrement; For nothing can be sole or whole That has not been rent.
Love has nothing to do with looks, but everything to do with time, trust, and interest.
Deep in its diabolical canine brain it knew that something was wrong, but it was nothing if not obedient and its great sudden love of its Master overcame all misgivings.
Deep in its diabolical canine brain it knew that something was wrong, but it was nothing if not obedient and its great sudden love of its Master overcame all misgivings.