There's nothing left to say but goodbye…
It is all over now, nothing left to say.
Grace is the kindness in our words when there is nothing left to say.
We don't even shake hands. We don't act like we care. We've got nothing left to say.
They talked and argued for days until the bbg was exhausted and had nothing left to say or to offer.
Nothing daunted, he allowed me to have my say, then took up his discourse where he had left it, finished it to the last word, saluted me profoundly, and marched off his contingent.
Even in Haiti people often say there's nothing left to protect because the forest that is there is remote and very few people have been there.
This simple question left Rei with nothing to say.
When there was nothing much left to say, he curled his fingers around the teacup and studied its shape, and Siyu pictured him as a young boy, spreading his slender fingers on the cold keys of a piano.
But the husband said nothing, and the son said nothing, and since it is useless to keep screaming at people who say nothing, Kanchi left, cursing their stupidity.
"Every time I go to a party or an event with classmates, I feel like I have nothing to say and am always the one being left out," said Chen.
Much as we all say we would like to solve all the problems, we dare not solve all the problems, or there will be nothing left for us to do.
When I left the building to go to my car, I found out it was stolen. The police say they can do nothing.
If I were to say all the unpleasant things that occur to me about posthumous memoirs I should have nothing left for my posthumous memoirs.
Nothing left for me to say, I can't even stop the rain.
Even if there's nothing left for us to say.
Of course, she too eventually left to get married, but I could say for sure that she was nothing less than dedicated and never allowed her professional priorities to be distracted.
Today, all this is changing. Indeed, it would be an understatement to say that soon nothing, absolutely nothing, will be left of this top-down model of scientific influence.
This is not to say there's nothing left to argue about.
After a while, the boy go to a place farther away from his homeland, left his fish entrusted to me and said nothing. And I also dare no to say any threat again this times.
When I left the building to go to my car, I found out it was stolen. The police say they can do nothing.
Even if there's nothing left for us to say, as sure as the sun will rise I can never say goodbye.
There was nothing left for the Phoenix Suns to do or say, except goodbye and good luck.
There was nothing left for the Phoenix Suns to do or say, except goodbye and good luck.