Writes the text representation of the specified value or values to the standard output stream.
Boxing a value type creates an object and performs a shallow copy of the fields of the specified value type into the new object.
In the latter case, the component USES the Factory design pattern to look up the default formatters for the class of the specified value.
The next constructor creates an integer with the value of 100, as specified.
第二个构造函数根据规定创建了一个值为 100的整数。
This function returns the size of the value buffer on success and 0 if the name specified is not a valid environment variable name.
This output value is the number of transactions processed in the specified period of time.
The modified lines occur in lines 13 through 16, where the value of the specified identifier is retrieved.
修改的代码在第13- 16行,这里获取指定的标识符的值。
As described above, some of the information provided in the file (such as NODENUM in the case of a multi-partitioned database) must be specified even if the value isn't changing.
In general, the type of the return value depends on the type of the specified attribute.
The WHEN clause of the trigger can be used to check if the new value is validated or not validated according to any of the specified schemas.
As currently implemented, the deployment of the plug-in configures the SYSADM_GROUP configuration parameter to a value specified during the plug-in deployment phase.
If the internal representation of the spatial value requires less bytes than specified in the inline length setting, then it will be stored inline as VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA.
如果空间值的内部表示需要的字节数少于inlinelength设置中指定的值,那么它将以内联(inline)的方式存储为VARCHAR FORBIT DATA。
The @Factory annotation attaches a method to the creation process of an outjected variable, specified in the value of the annotation, when that variable has no value bound to it.
@Factory注释向已提取变量的创建过程附加了一个方法,这是在注释的值中指定的,当该变量没有绑定任何值时就会使 用该方法。
The indexfreespace value takes precedence over the value of the PCTFREE parameter that was specified during index creation. create table newemp like employee;
Writes the value of one of the attributes for the specified node.
Type — defines the type of the generator; currently, the value servlet has to be specified for this attribute.
SCA properties are handled in a similar way, with a Python object injected into the loaded script and initialized to the specified value of the property.
The value of this identity can be specified by the application or generated by a database sequence.
If no "property" attribute is specified, the value of this bean itself will be rendered.
The content of the Value field depends on the specified language.
If present, the value of this parameter is stored into the bean property specified within the value attribute.
Xmnx sets the maximum size of the nursery to the specified value.
Xmns sets the initial size of the nursery to the specified value.
Timeout in wait functions: When used in one of the wait functions, timeout value can be specified for Windows semaphore objects.
Complete URIs, including protocol and host names, can also be specified as the value of the url attribute.
也可以将包含协议和主机名的完整uri指定为ur l属性的值。
Note that the value of the name attribute must be the same as the value specified for the name attribute in the matching element.
Retrieve the object (mygroup) of which the dn value has been specified.
Where MYSCHEMA is the schema that your audit table resides in, audit is the name of the table, and YYYYMMDDHH0000 is the value you specified when you pruned the audit log.
replace(key, value [, expiry]) — Updates the value of the specified key, returning an error if the key does not exist.
replace(key,value [,expiry]) —更新此特定键的值,如果键不存在就返回一个错误。
The return value of the function is specified with a return statement.