Her views on the treaty are well-documented and oft-repeated.
One of personal finance's oft-repeated mantras is " pay yourself first".
Then there is the oft-repeated assertion that God works in mysterious ways.
One oft-repeated resistance to short methods is that it can degrade performance in your system.
This means the oft-repeated promise that "if you are happy with your current insurance, you can keep it" is untrue.
Earlier in the day, Mr. Geithner reiterated his oft-repeated call for the yuan to further appreciate against the dollar.
This is the oft-repeated story about a manly young adventurer who goes into the wilderness in search of thrills and profit.
From that oft-repeated phrase, taken out of context, the idea of love as a self-centered experience caught on in American Pop culture.
In this case, it is an oft-repeated television image or a radio recording - as well as a concrete impression on the surface of the moon.
According to her niece, Martha, her 'briefest last message' was reminiscent of 'an oft-repeated family caution, "it was already growing damp".
The slogan on the concert's website encapsulates Garson's oft-repeated objectives: Peace = Green + No War + Water + Food + Health + Education.
音乐会官方网站上的标语涵盖了Garson反复提及的内容:和平 =绿色 +没有战争 +水 +食物 + 健康 + 教育。
And mostly this oft-repeated phrase is a true statement: Surveys show that most Americans feel starved for time to do the things that matter to them.
This called into question Mr Brown's oft-repeated claim that economic woes are global, and well-managed Britain is better placed than most to deal with them.
This called into question Mr Brown’s oft-repeated claim that economic woes are global, and well-managed Britain is better placed than most to deal with them.
这样看来,布朗的一贯主张就有问题了。 他总是坚称经济困境是全世界都面临的问题,英国各项管理完善,能更好地应对危机。
A step leaves an impression; in this case, it is an oft-repeated television image or a radio recording - as well as a concrete impression on the surface of the moon.
Confined to the hippy weekend wardrobes, however, and as an alternative to the oft-repeated gladiator sandal, clogs, say two cult shoe designers, have an important place.
不过,两位热衷于此的鞋类设计师表示,虽然仅是衣橱中周末嬉皮风格服装组合的一部分,以及泛滥成灾的罗马凉鞋的替代 品,厚底木屐有其重要地位。
It is an oft-repeated story among coastal families that survived and are now returning to their neighborhoods, the mud hardened, to search through the wreckage and face their demons.
The oft-repeated philosophy, "you can get everything in life you want if you help enough other people get what they want," is another way of saying if you serve more, you earn more.
A typical example is the oft-repeated advice that the solution for authorization errors from WebSphere MQ Explorer is to place the user's ID into a local group that is sufficiently authorized.
Integrating Testers into the team is an oft repeated Agile mantra, but we don't spend much time thinking about what it means or how to do it.
So this oft repeated phrase makes the dairy people happy.
It is an oft repeated axiom that money cannot buy happiness.
Success comes from oft -repeated efforts.
It's oft repeated that they make 85% of the buying decisions or are the chief purchasing officers of their households.
It's oft repeated that they make 85% of the buying decisions or are the chief purchasing officers of their households.