The oil price increases sent Europe into deep recession.
The oil price stayed high last year.
It was caused by well partly by an oil price spike caused by the Saddam the war against Saddam Hussein.
A number of oil-producing countries are trimming their gasoline subsidies and raising taxes, so the net savings for global consumers is not as big as the oil price plunge might suggest.
And a number of oil-producing countries are trimming their gasoline subsidies and raising taxes, so the net savings for global consumers is not as big as the oil price plunge might suggest.
Is high oil price still a problem?
But Russia has regulated the industry so poorly that production is falling despite the soaring oil price.
Record prices of rice, wheat and other foodstuffs, along with the sky-high oil price, have fanned inflation worldwide.
A CASUAL observer might be forgiven for thinking that the oil price reached a new record, of $115.07 a barrel, on April 16th.
Last year, despite the buoyant oil price, the gas and power division brought in more revenue than exploration and production.
Yet the good times, which are based largely on the rise in the oil price under Mr Putin from $15 to over $90 a barrel, may not last.
By the end of the year the tide was turning as the oil price slumped, but critics claimed that retailers were slow to pass on the full benefits.
Tom Kloza of the oil price Information Service says the managers of those funds can have a big impact on commodity prices, including the price of oil.
The potential for these is more or less unlimited, although analysts put the costs as high as $70 a barrel—more than the oil price this time last year.
The oil price is 1.5 times higher than it was in 2007, the peak of general optimism?; inflation is heading down; employment is up and consumption is robust.
Yet the subsequent collapse in the oil price in the second half of 2008 was only partly caused by the credit crisis and the rich-world recession that resulted.
One difference from last year is that then the oil price was rising against the backdrop of a weaker dollar. This year crude and the dollar have risen together.
But regional equity markets have fallen with the oil price, corporate finance and debt are dormant, and restructuring work has proved more modest than bankers hoped.
True, Apple’s relative success is partly due to a dip in the oil price, which has pummeled Exxon’s shares, and to the volatility that swept through stockmarkets this week.
But the oil price hike has also fueled a race to find new sources for chemical intermediates - compounds that are the raw material for many modern plastics, drugs and fuels.
Unless the oil price rises, Venezuela will earn only $21.6 billion from oil this year, down from $92.9 billion last year, according to VenEconomy, a business newsletter.
The sugar people complain that, although the price of ethanol rises and falls with world sugar demand, petrol prices in Brazil do not adjust quickly to changes in the oil price.
These analysts were early in spotting a rise in demand in China this spring and believe demand will stay strong, justifying the current oil price and possibly pushing it higher.
According to a study by three IMF economists, a doubling of the oil price results eventually in a 50% rise in the price of non-tradable goods (such as housing), relative to tradables.
According to a study by three IMF economists, a doubling of the oil price results eventually in a 50% rise in the price of non-tradable goods (such as housing), relative to tradables.