"On the import side, the increase in demand for fossil fuels, to offset the drop in supply of nuclear energy, is unlikely to fade anytime soon," she added.
On the supply side, there was an army of well trained, English-speaking engineers demanding only a fraction of a Western salary.
On the supply side (chart 2, bottom panel), the main source of new gold-what is dug out of the world's goldmines-has been flat or declining.
In connecting all of these resources, SCM is always about servicing resource integration by managing flows on both the demand and supply side.
Market fragmentation, both on the supply and the demand side is one.
The final few pages of the book are not about history but the future, where "cataclysm looms on every side" as we face a finite supply of water but a growing pattern of excessive use.
该书的最后几页的内容与历史无关,而是关乎未来 -当我们面临水资源有限供给却依然过度消耗的时候,未来“灾难此起彼伏”。
On the reuse consumption side, reuse engineers supply knowledge of what is potentially reusable, and assist in any necessary adaptations.
On the supply side, the outlook is much less promising, as Nigeria’s troubles show.
First, as is often so in its financial markets, foreigners are largely excluded, meaning a huge source of information on the supply side is absent.
For nearly all economies, the tough question is on the supply side.
When you turn the organization on it side, there is just one supply chain that everyone plugs in to.
On the supply side as employees, producers and business owners at various points in the value chain.
Zara keeps transportation costs low on the supply side, since most of the production takes place in Spain.
The programmer needs to supply classes on the server side that provide the logic for handling an RPC request.
The chief source of uncertainty, though, is on the supply side-in particular, the troubled outlook for a host of planned new plants in Asia.
Much as these demand-side factors dampen the housing market, the supply side arguably has an even bigger effect on prices.
We have recognized now that we cannot limit our actions by acting only on the supply side.
So Germany has been a big winner on both the supply side and the demand side of globalisation.
But this year, on the supply side, Russia may have to suspend exports.
"One issue on the export side is the ongoing struggle to restore damaged production lines and supply chains," said Ms Fink of Jefferies.
On the supply side, misallocations slow growth which again leads to monetary easing, more misallocation and still less growth.
Other openings on the opposite side may have facilitated excavation or could serve as weapon- or supply storage areas.
On the supply side, relatively weak growth in milk production from reduced cattle herds, particularly in some exporting regions, has under-pinned firm prices.
On the supply side, proved reserves, production capacity and policy adjustment of oil producing entities are examined.
On the supply side, the fund managers tend to play a full-functioning role, at the cost of high marketing expenditure, and run in high-cost area.
On the supply side, the fund managers tend to play a full-functioning role, at the cost of high marketing expenditure, and run in high-cost area.