In his 1936 work How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie wrote: "There is only one way…to get the best of an argument—and that is to avoid it."
Gradually the volume of bees builds up towards one site; it's a system that ensures that support for the best site snowballs and the decision is made in the most democratic way.
What's the best way to pull off one that enhances our goals?
And what's the best way to pull off one that enhances our goals?
Providing a free and healthy lunch at school is one way to help New Zealand become the best place in the world for school children.
One Web 2.0 strategy does not fit all, and sometimes the best way to find out what's best for a given company is to try some things out and see what happens.
Rather, it is one of the best ways, in fact maybe the only way, to reduce those long term costs.
One way to do that is to stay on top of change and incorporate the best ideas into my solutions.
However, one nearly universal truth is that the best way to avoid the basic project problems that can spiral out of control is to outline best practices and guidelines for your team.
And Joseph Nye, of the Kennedy School at Harvard, has argued that the best way to make an enemy of China is to treat it like one.
For example, virtualization is one way in which computers can be sliced to get the best performance, although they have their own issues and limitations.
By now it should be clear that creating a custom component is a good thing, but what is the best way to create one?
One of the best way to achieve a calm and happy state is to maintain a well balanced diet.
The best way to start this process is to come up with a specific opinion (in one sentence, maybe) about the movie.
This is a really good way to make money and one of the best ways for teens to make money online.
Do you learn best by example? See one way freewriting can play out in practice.
Mindmapping is the best way to brain storm lots of ideas at one go.
Moreover, threading isn't the only way to achieve these concurrencies, and frequently it's not the best one.
In the now-classical characterization delineated around 1900 by Henri Fayol and Frederick Taylor, the purpose of management was to plan the one overall best way to approach work.
One way to get the best of both worlds is to use GRDDL, a system for viewing XML through an RDF lens.
集两者之大成的方法之一就是使用GRDDL,一种通过RDF 的视角查看XML的系统。
When death takes away a loved one from you, then the best way to deal with it is to turn to your friends and family. Always accept the assistance that is offered, as it will mitigate your grief.
JQuery gives you so many possible ways to search for page elements that sometimes it can be staggering to figure out which one is the best way to find your desired page element.
He set out to kill it by finding "the one best way" to do any job, and a system for telling managers how to find that way for every segment of their operations.
New way: Start by trying a few different workouts and then choosing the one that you like the best.
Doing a brain scan might be going a bit far. If you want to know if someone's sociable or not, the best way is to ask one of their friends.
Doing a brain scan might be going a bit far. If you want to know if someone's sociable or not, the best way is to ask one of their friends.