With such purchases, price is only one of many crucial factors to consider.
The mother asked for the price and it was only one dollar.
Some allow you to install and uninstall only one time; they want you to pay an additional price for a new installation.
When the price in both shops is above 80, the wise shopper buys only one unit.
Only one person, however, reported a price of 10.5 yuan; the most common was 15 yuan.
He had to enter the price adjustment each week because the SHEEP application did not allow for recurring adjustments, only one-time adjustments.
Plus, while Dell offers only 20-inch screens on the XPS One, Apple has higher-end iMacs with huge 24-inch screens for the same price, or less, than the higher-end Dells.
另外,戴尔的XPS One屏幕只有20英寸,但苹果的高端iMac有超大的24英寸屏幕,价格与戴尔高端机型一样,甚至更低。
Tomb Salesperson, Jinlin Province, said, "The price of our tombs starts from 180 thousand yuan, but it's only one square meter."
One was that haute couture, hitherto available only to the very rich or vicariously through magazines and newspapers, should be sold worldwide in ready-to-wear shops at a fraction of the posh price.
一是将迄今为止只有非常富有的人才能买到或者通过杂志和报纸的方式来代理购买的奢侈高级女士时装(haute couture)以相对低廉的价格在世界范围内的成衣店内出售。
With the same price of 2 Yuan, a tissue could only cover one day need, but a handkerchief can be reused for at least one year.
You can offer a bundle of two flavors of syrup at a slightly reduced price to up-sell parents who intend to buy only one flavor when they came to the site.
If one firm cut its prices, destroying the unspoken deal to carve up the market, it would succeed only in starting a price war.
Since the consumer-price index series began in 1997, it has only been this high on one previous occasion (last September).
Free may be the best price, but it can't be the only one.
In his view, benchmarking is not practical for securities traded off-exchange, especially in thin markets where price is only one factor in a deal.
As one would expect; in an IO mortgage the borrower isn't paying down principal, so the only way to come out ahead on the sale of the home is in the event of a substantial price increase.
For instance, if you create millions of points (represented as tables with only two entries) and each one USES twice the memory it really needs, you may pay a high price.
I'm willing to pay any price. There's only one condition. I must deliver the final blow. I want him to die an excruciating death.
The medication my doctor prescribed for my heart condition is available from only one manufacturer, and the price is very high. Is that a monopoly?
The only problem is there aren't any cheap seats... It's all one price. Well, in that.
For I have two things that he seeks, and he has only the price of one.
The price for one person for a ten-day tour is only $ 1088, which includes round-trip airfare.
The price for one person for a ten-day tour is only $ 1088, which includes round-trip airfare.