From a high level, you now know where you want to go, but to really understand something, you have to try it out.
Trydifferent types of workouts, and try to do something different each time you work out.
My resolution this year is to try out something new everyday – be it a new recipe, a new song, a new movie, or a new shirt.
I'll try to get him to work far out, "the boy said." Then if you hook something truly big we can come to your aid.
Try to make every day one where you get out and discover a little something different about the world and others.
If I did something slight wrong, please point out, I will try my best to correct it.
Let me try to work something out.
They took the initiative to go out and try to learn something new.
If you try to study it, and then tomorrow I have something else to promise, but you must can work out this.
If you try to study it, and then tomorrow I have something else to promise, but you must can work out this.