And blending ethanol into ordinary petrol, or burning it directly in special "flex-fuel" engines, reduces greenhouse-gas emissions.
Sheet can be set into the test without special paper and printing alone, just ordinary printing paper or copy paper, effectively reduce the cost.
Children with exceptional athletic prowess or physical attributes are pulled out of ordinary schools early on and sent to the special academies that train the country's sporting elite.
Whether you want to throw a great party or pep up an ordinary evening with a special drink Ben reed will provide all the inspiration you need.
But it can be a special treat to get a gift or a card on an ordinary day.
An ordinary Englishman of today can hardly go further back than three or four centuries in his own literature; the earliest periods he can only appreciate after special philological study.
An ordinary Englishman of today can hardly go further back than three or four centuries in his own literature; the earliest periods he can only appreciate after special philological study.