NOTE: This preview shows the revision of the other author.
A author abases the other author competed with him to improve his position.
The most important, and the one I have never seen emphasized by any other author, is a coding standard.
This is an original remark among hundreds of statements in her writings that no other author would dare to write.
Throughout the history of movie making , Shakespeare's plays have been adapted for film more than the works of any other author .
Charity givers donated more Dan Brown books to Oxfam than any other author but he was only number 10 on the list for most books sold, the charity's annual survey revealed today.
The author can report other people's results which more or less agree with hers.
What does the author imply about urbanization in other parts of the world?
What does the author imply about urbanisation in other parts of the world?
John Hagel, author of The Power of Pull and other books, says Brynjolfsson and McAfee miss the reason why these jobs are so vulnerable to technology in the first place.
What does the author call on other writers to do?
She stuffed her face with lasagna, salad, corn bread, honey ham, turkey, rice, peas, macaroni and cheese and a list of other food this author had to stop naming because he was getting hungry.
Please refer the other articles written by this author if you have any difficulty making this example work with DB2 (see "Resources)."
如果您在用DB 2完成这个示例时有任何困难,请参考由该作者所写的其他文章(参阅“参考资料”)。
"People aren't getting raises, so managers are looking for other ways to reward high performers," says Penelope Trunk, author of the Brazen Careerist.
A node records a minimum of information, including an ID, a title, status, a type, and an author, among a handful of other values.
It's quite a sophisticated tool for searching blogs. It's got trend analysis, author awareness and a number of other cool features.
Of course, other information can help distinguish one author from another.
Hardly, says Jonathon Green, author of “Chambers Slang Dictionary” and other books about neologisms.
At the document level, the data values can be the subject, the body of the document, and a number of other values, such as the author or the date composed.
Even if author submissions use other formats (Word, TeX, and so on) they are often translated to MathML for archival purposes of further processing.
Job content and the quality of the organization you're going to work for should take a backseat to most other things, says Shawn Graham, author of "Courting Your Career."
The 20-acre Harry Potter park reportedly cost $250 million to build and recreates the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and other places dreamed up by author J. K.
In fact, if you take either of these out, you'll get a book or author, but not the other, and you won't get any data in dw_books_authors.
Share your thoughts on this article with the author and other readers in the discussion forum by clicking discuss at the top or bottom of the article.
On the other hand, it does require a bit more work and knowledge from the profile author.
Schulze-Makuch is the author of two books about life on other planets.
Chapters Four to Seven make up the core of the book, with citations from cognitive psychological studies conducted by the author and other researchers.
The other two boxes are lists of properties (author and tag, respectively) the user can select to narrow down the entries to only those that match.
The other two boxes are lists of properties (author and tag, respectively) the user can select to narrow down the entries to only those that match.