We should develop the laboratory performance examine evaluation regular, and promote the management of CDC laboratory more scientific and standardized.
In sun's ray, automobile end harmful gas is degraded. Through the performance examine. Nano TiO_2 can enhance the ability of light degradation, improve the materials ability of degration to a…
On the base of job analysis and evaluate of post, to establish model of performance examine on teacher of university, model of system of duty salary and model of integrate incentive mechanism.
I was confronted with this question when I was asked to examine one team's performance problems.
You'll even examine some file system attributes, such as sequential and random access, which can affect performance.
In this case study, we examine how the choice of garbage collection policy affects application performance with a fairly typical three-tiered client-server application.
Periodic Reviews examine, qualify, and quantify current performance for the Initiative, and continuing conformance to plans and expectations in multiple dimensions.
Let's examine the tools that can allow you to tune the VMM to optimize performance for your system.
Historically, it has been helpful to examine an application's performance by capturing the packets exchanged on both interfaces during a routine function of the application.
We will explain how to examine, diagnose, analyze, and interpret various analysis reports that Rational Performance Tester provides.
我们将解释如何检查、诊断、分析和解释RationalPerformance Tester所提供的各种各样的分析报告。
Even though you just created this chart by following the steps in this article, you can still use the Performance Expert history to go back in time to examine data for Rows Read vs Rows Selected.
即使这个图表是您刚刚执行本文中的步骤创建的,您仍然可以使用PerformanceExpert历史进行及时回溯,以检查RowsReadvs Rowsselected的数据。
In this article, we will take a look at several features of GWT and examine how they enable you to build high-performance Web applications.
The database is another key area that you should examine when looking into performance-related issues.
To examine this finding more carefully, separate analyses were carried out on the effects of helping on reading, mathematics, and homework performance.
The study was designed to look at changes in sleep habits and behavior and didn't examine academic performance.
Simple perception judgment task and complex perception reasoning task were adopted to examine the effects of competition and combination on performance of perceptual task.
Definitely. We should examine our succession planning, our motivation system, system for performance appraisals, etc.
to track the performance of special funds, inspect the fund administration and utilization in project implementation and assess and examine the project efficiencies;
At last, we elementarily examine the anti-noise ability and the temporal performance of the new arithmetic in the new system.
The aim of this method is to examine the uniformity of performance of the high-pressure transducers under the action of high dynamic pressures.
Based with AT89S8252, a test bench was designed to examine the performance of leaking of the air brake Chambers. This device was equipped with USB interface.
The purpose of this dissertation was to examine ironic processes of self control with respect to failures in self-control during motor skill performance.
Their arguments will be evaluated and critically reviewed to examine the extent to which these limitations inhibit the role of transformational leadership in strengthening employee performance.
Consequently, it is important to examine variables that may interact with financial incentives in affecting task performance.
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between CEO compensation and firm performance.
This study USES an improved methodology based on UK evidence, including better corporate environmental performance measure, to examine the relation between CEP and CFP.
Absrtact: Examine and compare the performance of media streaming based on multiple description coding (MDC) in peer - to - peer (P2P) and content delivery network (CDN).
摘要:文中检测并对比了基于多重描述编码(慨)的流媒体在对等网(P 2 P)和内容分发网络(CDN)中的性能。
Using these annual reports of sample companies from 1999 to 2002, we have built a statistic model to examine the impact of diversification to the firm performance.
Objective: To examine the performance of chitin in its action against mutagenesis.
Objective: To examine the performance of chitin in its action against mutagenesis.