Identifying the locale of a photo could enhance image search techniques, making them less dependent on captions or associated text.
However, don't overdo post processing -your main objective is to improve or enhance your photo, and not to digitally alter the whole photograph from scratch.
The right-hand photo is a natural-color image taken with MISR's 70-degree backward viewing camera, which uses the reflection of lightto enhance the polar clouds' appearance.
Photo Tip: Look for natural frames, such as an arch or the shaded walls of a canyon. A frame can be a dramatic device to enhance your subject.
Incorporating one or more leading lines into your photo is a sure way to enhance its sense of depth.
The one-click optimization will help users to enhance their photo quality better in a shorter time.
I wanted to achieve a diffuse mood lighting to enhance the photo-realistic feel.
Temperature plays a vital role in the growth of plantlets in vitro. To enhance the photosynthetic photo flux density can cause a drastic change in temperature.
Temperature plays a vital role in the growth of plantlets in vitro. To enhance the photosynthetic photo flux density can cause a drastic change in temperature.