Please note that as soon as you walk in the Icecrown Citadel an aura will remove 1% of your health every 3 sec.
Please note that as it is a machine translation from an automatic translation system, the translation may not always be accurate.
Please note that as I told you in my last mail, we don't have our own factory in China and you can not buy our guitars from the factories directly.
Please note, as mentioned in the previous section, that different variables pass into the SQL and the SPARQL versions.
请注意,如上一节所示,这些不同的变量传递到SQL和SPARQL 版本中。
Please note that although I will begin with a brief, conceptual overview of aspect-oriented programming, this article is not intended as an introduction to AOP.
Please note that, of the reference PUREXML instances, PUREXML1 doesn't bind to any schema and PUREXML2 binds to the registered schema as in Listing 1.
Please note that some fonts are for personal use only and are clearly marked as such.
Please note, all users that already have their sugroups set to all (the default) will now have 'none' as their sugroups attribute.
请注意,已经把sugroups设置为all(默认值)的所有用户现在的sugroup s属性值是'none '。
Please note that you should take these as blueprints on which to base your own business scenarios, because they guide you on the key points to consider.
Please note that this table is accurate as of the time of publication, but that work to discover and collect more remote statistics is ongoing.
Please note that the logic applied here depends on the structure of the domain model, and as the level and number of attributes increase, the complexity of conversion increases in the action class.
Please note that the solution and steps described in this article are provided as-is, they may be updated when necessary, and they are not officially supported by IBM.
Please note that you can connect and have full access to the tables in the DB2 database as any of the system users from within your application.
Please note on the affidavit that you'll be required to indemnify the bank ,for any possible losses it may incur as a result of transferring the funds to a new account .
Please note that the change is not saved permanently -- as soon as the page is reloaded, the change is gone.
请注意更改并不会永久保存 ——一旦页面重载,更改就失效了。
Please note that the CUDA Debugger for Linux has been tested only on 32-bit Red hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.x but may work on other distros as well.
注意:Linux平台下的CUDA调试程序仅在32位的Linux红帽企业版5 .x (RHEL)上测试通过,可能也支持Linux其他已发行版本。
Please note that CalculatorService.ear contains the full source code showing the updates made to our calculator to expose it as a Web services resource.
请注意,CalculatorService . ear包括完整的源代码,它展示了为把我们的计算器作为一个Web服务资源来公开所做的改变。
Please note that in all cases temperatures should be kept constant or as close as possible.
Please note that DHI reserves the right to disclose information submitted by or concerning any visitor or user as we reasonably feel is necessary to protect our systems or business.
Please note that some documents may be temporarily unavailable as our writers and editors update them.
As regards markings, please note that the port of destination, Shanghai, should be clearly stenciled on each case with the case number for easy identification.
Please note that translating Chinese menu is a delicate job, as many dishes were named after people or even legends rather than the ingredients.
Please note that this textbox has a scrollbar, encouraging you to type as much text as necessary to give a full explanation of the problem.
Please note, that our content can be used on commercial sites as well.
For most courses, you need to take a test as part of your application. Please note that separate registration is required for all tests.
Please note that dependants continued stay in the United Kingdom is conditional on them remaining in the United Kingdom as your dependants.
Please note that before being picked as the winner, you will be required to sign a NDA Non-disclosure agreement.
Please note that before being picked as the winner, you will be required to sign a NDA Non-disclosure agreement.