What impact do they have on poverty, misery, ill health, and premature death?
In short, education is a powerful way to break the cycle of poverty, ill health, misery, and low status passed on from one generation of women to the next.
What impact do they have on poverty, misery, and ill health - in other words, the progress of a civilized world?
It perpetuates the vicious cycle of under-achievement, benefit dependency, ill health, lack of aspiration, poor parenting and child poverty that blights so many areas of Britain.
In the rural context, ICTs provide enhanced opportunities to generate income and combat poverty, hunger, ill health and illiteracy.
The cause, he said, was poverty, bad nourishment and general ill-health. The solution was not expensive western medicine, but the alleviation of poverty in Africa.
No doubt their physical, mental, and moral ill-health is partly due to other causes than poverty: but this is the chief cause.
He never married and his last years were made wretched by anxiety over a ne'er do-well nephew (who was his ward) by poverty and by increasing ill health.
He never married and his last years were made wretched by anxiety over a ne'er do-well nephew (who was his ward) by poverty and by increasing ill health.