It is fair comment that the open source community should not be complacent in its security auditing, but there is power in numbers.
The power of the Spirit framework lies in the fact that it provides built-in parsers for a host of basic types like individual characters, numbers, and strings.
People power has returned and you are finding that there is strength in Numbers.
If we compensate the pump station with lower power Numbers for electric power and electric capacity we can reduce the current load in the power source and the lines.
First, the topology of the inverter and different output voltage level numbers in the situation of different voltage value ratio of two DC power supplies are analyzed.
If we compensate the pump station with lower power Numbers for electric power and electric capacity, we can reduce the current load in the power source and the lines.
Hydroelectric power stations are to be built in large Numbers where water resources are plentiful.
This paper presents a method for partner selection in supply chain based on index equilibrium and power interval Numbers.
High firewood more power, strength in Numbers.
In this paper, the optimum Numbers of cooperative nodes and modulation methods are analyzed to minimize the total energy consumption in a cooperative wireless sensor networks, which is power-limited.
Once a peaceful transfer of power is complete, the U. s. is prepared to draw down its military forces in large Numbers.
Once a peaceful transfer of power is complete, the U. s. is prepared to draw down its military forces in large Numbers.