The gap size, depends on the liquid viscosity, pressure and other factors.
Under the mining activities, the flowing water pressure and other factors, those potential water flowing channels would be the main accesses to cause the sea water rushing into the mine.
Those with the highest negative scores on the questionnaire had the highest risks, even taking into account other factors related to heart disease such as obesity, high blood pressure and smoking.
The researchers measured people's weight after two years, and also other factors such as cholesterol levels, blood pressure, bone strength, and body fat percentage.
The result of simulation indicated that higher printing velocity and printing pressure would improve the performance of solder paste printing if other factors were not considered.
But most of the findings linking CRP to heart disease were explained by other, already known risk factors, such as smoking, blood pressure, obesity and high cholesterol.
It was found to also have an effect on other risk factors such as levels of good and bad cholesterol, blood pressure and triglycerides.
The researchers took into account other factors known to increase risk for heart attack and stroke, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
Researchers took into account other factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes and age to ensure results could not be attributed to having a healthier lifestyle.
Losing weight can help to enhance the effects of high blood pressure medication and may also reduce other risk factors, such as diabetes and high bad cholesterol.
Other risk factors for a silent stroke are high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and tobacco use.
It is recording the mortality and causes of death of these men over a 30-year period through annual monitoring, taking into account diet, blood pressure, drinking and other factors.
It was found that the membrane pore size and transmembrane pressure affect demulsification performance remarkably while other factors have slight or almost no effect.
Scientists have known for some time that hypertension is a "heritable" condition that runs in families, though diet and other factors also contribute to high blood pressure.
Our work suggests, but in now way proves, that factors other than lifestyle behavior contributing to insulin resistance could lead to elevated intraocular pressure and glaucoma.
It is caused by fatty deposits that harden and block arteries, high blood pressure which damages blood vessels, and other factors.
The target-substrate distance, the DC power and the sputtering pressure are very important factors for coercivity, on the other hand, the effect of sputtering time is not obvious.
并发现了靶基距、功率和溅射气压对薄膜矫顽力的影响较大,其中靶基距是薄膜矫顽力最主要的控制因素。 而溅射时间在所取的水平上对薄膜矫顽力的影响最小。
Due to the improvement of modern life, increased work pressure, changes in diet and other factors, the incidence of cardiovascular disease is increasing.
We know that high blood pressure is the biggest risk factor for stroke, along with other factors such as obesity, diabetes, poor diet and smoking.
They say the lowered risk of a future stroke was present even when the subjects had other risk factors. These factors include high blood pressure and type-2 diabetes.
Although cutting back on salt does lower blood pressure, new research finds that it may also increase levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and other risk factors for heart disease.
Diabetes is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and often coexists with other risk factors, such as abdominal obesity, unhealthy blood lipid levels, and raised blood pressure.
After adjusting for other heart risk factors like blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes, researchers found that the difference for women was about 14 years and for men, about six years.
Headache is a very common symptoms, colds, high blood pressure, bad breaks, emotional and vessels and nerves, and other factors can cause headache.
Other factors, such as smoking, taking blood pressure medication and drinking, were taken into consideration and the effect on blood pressure remained, although at a much lower level.
Those with the highest negative scores on the questionnaire had the highest risks, even taking into account other factors related to heart disease such as obesity, high blood pressure and smoking.
The condition, which can be caused by high blood pressure, a virus or other factors, severely weakens the heart and causes it to swell.
The condition, which can be caused by high blood pressure, a virus or other factors, severely weakens the heart and causes it to swell.