I multiply both sides with R squared.
But now notice, I can substitute now for this v squared, I can substitute the square of this that is the orbital speed and then I get M G over R.
So instead of being equal to negative z squared, now we're equal to negative z effective squared times r h all over n squared.
a perfectly spherical shell dr at some distance, thickness, d r, dr we talk about it as 4 pi r squared d r, so we just multiply that by the probability density.
We came exactly to that conclusion-- that the gravitational acceleration falls off as one over r squared.
So if we want to talk about the volume of that, we just talk about the surface area, which is 4 pi r squared, and we multiply that by the thickness d r.
the force, gravitational force, falls off as one over r squared.
Therefore, you cannot escape the conclusion that the centripetal acceleration which is the result of gravity, falls off as one over R squared.
So, the number of nuclei, 119 if we were to sit and count these as well, is 119. So, we'll multiply that by just pi, r squared, to get that cross-section, and divide all of that by 1 .
So, the number of nuclei, 119 if we were to sit and count these as well, is 119. So, we'll multiply that by just pi, r squared, to get that cross-section, and divide all of that by 1 .