Standing with feet shoulder-width apart and cradle baby with both arms. Keeping a straight back and repeat deep knee bends.
What I want is for you to synthesize information to reflect back on what we've read and discussed and to form your own ideas, not just repeat points from the textbook.
Some pieces of music can go for 40 minutes and require up to 50 page turns, including back turns for repeat passages.
If you're in a hurry, you might nod curtly and be on your way; but you could decide to take your time, smile back and repeat the message before you go.
YES! When dealing with foreigners it is a good idea to ask this question and then try to repeat back what the foreigner has just said.
More help after recurrence. If breast cancer comes back, many doctors repeat the original treatment.
You ask the user for some basic information and simply repeat it back, without any other operations.
Run up at a constant pace for up to 45 seconds, then jog back down and repeat four more times.
Tot squats (hamstrings) : Standing with feet shoulder-width apart cradle baby with both arms. Keeping a straight back repeat deep knee bends.
"Even when I'm angry at you I still love you, " I told my sons when they were little, and they still repeat this back to me after our fights.
They will ask someone to give a version of events. Then they will ask them to go back to their story and repeat the events — but in reverse order.
Rather than killing them off or letting them clog up prisons, repeat offenders were often simply banished from a city and not allowed back.
For example, repeat business is not so important in vacation areas where tourists seldom come back.
Come back to your natural position and repeat in three sets of 20.
But after training two macaques to memorize an eye movement task and having them repeat it back, the MIT team thinks it has found exactly where the time-stamping is taking place.
For those of you who may not remember, Sisyphus, of Greek mythology, was the guy condemned to push a boulder up a hill, watch it roll back down, and repeat this for all eternity.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all logical logs that are available to back up and restore.
Taking a few moments nto repeat back directions, what someone expects of you, etc., can save hours.
Of course any asteroid brought back under the proposed plan would be too small to cause a repeat of such an event.
I start at the beginning and read right through to the end; then, in the hope of understanding more, I go back and repeat the process.
An hour or so later you call back and repeat the process, more nicotine-deprived and angry.
Now lower back down slowly and controlled while inhaling through your nose, just until your shoulder blades touch the ground. Do not let your head touch the ground and repeat.
Either I'll go back and repeat the process two or three times in one session, or I'll leave, do another project, and return a few days, weeks, or months later.
This allows the form's user to scroll back and forth through the data in the repeat.
These are the only countries that I've been able to find that have high-quality, repeat sales price indexes going back a hundred years.
This instruction from the qrcode directory should repeat back the content of the acme.txt file.
这个来自qrcode目录的指令应该会复述acme.txt 文件的内容。
Every time say good no longer look back, but at that time, will repeat the same again, this is habit.
Ok, please go back and repeat the flag signal.
Repeat back what your boss says, create a written email record and try to have other people listening as you two talk.