An error was reported when he tried to write data to the file for the first time.
Some people may argue that this is merely reported data, and they say many men feel the same pressures as women in terms of fulfilling responsibilities at work and home.
The data of geology is reported and used to discuss on petrogenic type and tectonic implication.
The performance data reported in this document are specific to the product software, test configuration, workload, and operating environment that were used.
According to data reported so far, radioactive iodine is the main contaminant and concentrations in some food samples have been detected at levels above the Japanese regulatory limits.
Results are based primarily on data reported to WHO via its standard TB data collection form in 2008 and on the data that were collected every year from 1996 to 2007.
In very busy systems, the need to broadcast the data can also mean that the information is never reported, the data can be out of date, or the system could be reported as down when it is just busy.
Case reports, case series, surveys and other observational studies were included if they reported factual data, but review articles, translations and clinical trials were excluded.
These included faulty rounding on some financial data reported by the system, and searches that didn't perform consistently with blank parameters (empty fields on the search form).
Not all data is being reported, and data is not consistently being estimated and tracked.
In 2007, a total of 202 (out of 212) countries and territories reported TB notification data for 2006 to WHO.
Ninety-three percent of all countries that reported data across all regions provided free HIV testing through public sector health facilities in 2008.
Enterprise processes implemented for measuring customer data quality have reported sizable improvements in CCMS data quality over the previous solution.
Some reported only minor data loss, however.
The last machine has not reported any data for eleven minutes, so it is officially listed as down.
10 By 2006, this number had dramatically decreased and just over 100 babies were infected through MTCT (in the 33 states that reported data).11.
The funding gap reported by the 22 HBCs for 2006 was US$ 141 million; it was US$ 180 million in total for the 74 countries that reported data.
The Russian Federation, China, India and Indonesia have by far the largest budgets (amounting to 72% of the total for the 21 HBCs that reported data).
We see that already in the monthly payroll data that has been reported.
Among 11 African countries with over 50% of the world's HIV-positive TB cases that reported data for all years 2002-2006, the percentage of notified cases that were tested quadrupled, from 8% to 35%.
在2002- 2006各年报告数据的占世界艾滋病毒阳性结核病例50%以上的11个非洲国家中,得到检查的通报病例百分数翻了两番,从8%上升到35%。
It is quite common for errors to be reported because JAAS alias data was mis-typed earlier.
The widely-cited recent drop in road traffic mortality in China, based on police-reported data, may not reflect a genuine decrease.
The estimates in the report come from the CDC's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, which uses self-reported data from phone surveys and 2007 census information.
Because the rankings depend heavily on unaudited, self-reported data, there is no way to ensure either the accuracy of the information or the reliability of the resulting rankings.
The existing research relies instead on self-reported data, based on memory.
Reported data for 2007 indicates a similar bias near the 'blue sky' boundary.
The list, which relies on country-reported data over the past several years, measures the levels of airborne particles smaller than 10 micrometers – so-called PM10s – for almost 1, 100 cities.
What Dr Gallup saw apparently bore "no resemblance whatsoever" to the reported data, so he asked to examine the remaining videos, only to be told that these had been stolen.
These recently reported data may change practice, because of the demonstrated benefit for PFS.
These recently reported data may change practice, because of the demonstrated benefit for PFS.