Although the cuts were across the organization, the Company's operations and research and development functions were most effected.
The head of consumer research for a leading consumer-electronics organization created an online community of nearly 50, 000 consumers to discuss product-development and marketing issues.
The forms of organization, ways of doing things, results and measures of award in the aspects of product research and development by the Transport Department of ALSTOM are introduced.
In 10 years of in the past, total level of the research of country of member of Organization for Economic Cooperation and development and development funds pay experienced very big wave motion.
PPD is a leading global contract research organization providing drug discovery, development and lifecycle management services.
Therefore, this research is to discuss the broadband network's organization mode, construction and application mode, and the development trend.
It has introduced me to a fundamental shift in thinking that has implications across the organization-for marketing, product development, advertising, technology and research.
PPD is a leading global contract research organization, celebrating 25 years of providing discovery and development services.
This paper discusses research initiative of digital library, development of digital collection, digital technology issue as well as organization and management involved in the...
This paper discusses research initiative of digital library, development of digital collection, digital technology issue as well as organization and management involved in the...