They beat us last time but we hope to win the return match.
Dario does not give up hopes, there is still the return match to play.
The Brazilian would go on to hit two in the return match against the Belgians.
For a long time after that everyone had called him the Champion and there had been a return match in the spring.
Verona of Italy comfortably beat Salonica 96-62 in their semifinal, first leg encounter…surely too great a deficit for the Greeks to make up in the return match next week.
If no match is found, return null to the client application.
This is because even though there are now two matches for the port type, you have the match policy set to return only the first.
Although unwieldy, this does correctly match the predicate on the server and return the expected value.
As far as it's concerned, the search term comes from an ordinary form submit process, and it USES that data to complete a query, then return the records that match that term.
It will return each match detected within the input string as requested.
But because the outgoing signal is not known it takes more processing to match it to the return.
For the first name match that is found, service description consisting of development time and runtime information about the service is return to the client application.
If the client's encrypted return string and the locally encrypted string match, the shutdown command is run.
This function attempts to match and return a specific occurrence of a pattern that is defined by the regular expression against the source string.
For each word specified in the configuration file to search for in the specified location, return 1 to the main program to let it know a match was found.
It will return a list of statements that match all of the specified values.
If no match is found return null to the client application.
Attachment verification points return a Pass status when all of the criteria of an attachment match the expected criteria specified in the verification point test element.
If you were holding 20% cash and wanted to match the 7.4% of the Dow Jones industrials for the fourth quarter, your stock picks needed to return about 9.3% for the period.
Since the value of the "book" element is "Database Systems29", this query would return the sample document as a valid match.
由于 “book”元素的值是 “DatabaseSystems29”,因此该查询将返回示例文档作为有效匹配。
Attachment verification points return a Pass status when all of the criteria for an attachment match the expected criteria specified in the verification point test element.
You'll want to be sure to always return null if no match occurs, so that entity resolution will occur normally in non-special cases.
当不匹配时,您会希望始终确保返回null ,这样实体解析在非特殊情况下都可以正常进行。
Also, a search for documents talking about G8 countries would return the document due to a match on Germany, Russia, and Italy.
The return value is True if oldval and *ptr match and False otherwise.
如果oldval和 *ptr匹配,返回值是True,否则是 False。
If there is no operator in the line, the built-in match function will fail to find a match and will return -1.
如果该行中没有运算符,那么内置match函数将无法找到匹配,因此将返回- 1。
When comparing operations, it performs a case-sensitive name match along with a comparison of input argument data types, and ignores return types.
For the first match that is found, return the service description, which may include development time information and runtime information about the matched service, to the client application.
But that semi didn't go five and feature perhaps the shot of the year: Djokovic slapping a cross-court forehand return to save a match point.
But that semi didn't go five and feature perhaps the shot of the year: Djokovic slapping a cross-court forehand return to save a match point.