The remaining victim, Boote, was also from the Royal Military police.
Relatives and friends of Telford said the 37-year-old, a long-serving guardsman in the Grenadiers, had flown out to Afghanistan last month for a tour of duty with the Royal Military police.
马修·泰尔福德中士的亲戚朋友说这位37岁的卫兵已在掷弹兵近卫团服役多年,他上月随同皇家宪兵队(Royal Military Police)飞到阿富汗参加义务巡逻。
Relatives and friends of Telford said the 37-year-old, a long-serving guardsman in the Grenadiers, had flown out to Afghanistan last month for a tour of duty with the Royal Military police.
马修·泰尔福德中士的亲戚朋友说这位37岁的卫兵已在掷弹兵近卫团服役多年,他上月随同皇家宪兵队(Royal Military Police)飞到阿富汗参加义务巡逻。