New Mother Town is essentially different from the traditional Satellite Town and City Center.
Ma on Shan town is located in North-East of Shatin, which is the satellite town extension part.
Songjiang New town will be out of reach for many of the lower - and middle-class Shanghai residents whose housing woes, these satellite towns were originally intended to address.
Responding to a highly constricted urban site amidst a mature satellite town, the design answers demands for an efficient construction method that minimises impact on its surroundings.
Therefore, according to Beijing' s general planning, the arrangement of city - and - town system is to establish a system of four levels, namely, downtown, satellite town, central town and town.
Privet Drive is on the outskirts of what I would call a "satellite" town to London.
A town on New York's Long Island has used the satellite image service of Google Earth to find about 250 pools whose owners never filled out the required paperwork.
A town on New York's Long Island has used the satellite image service of Google Earth to find about 250 pools whose owners never filled out the required paperwork.