A person, see through the world, good through the man, no longer believe love, and even the entire world.
Your thoughts and attitudes act like a filter, a screen or lenses, through which you see the world in a particular way, which does not always depicts reality.
If I love you, I can empathize with you and see the world through your eyes. I can identify with you and see the world through your eyes.
We can shift with them, or we can continue to see a new world through the prism of the old.
The way you perceive the external world is filtered through your beliefs and hence what you see is always congruent with your beliefs.
你所想的构成了你的世界。 换句话说,你所看到的世界不过是你的理解和信仰的组合而已。
If this year proved that the history of the world could be told through objects (see Neil MacGregor's book, below), Edmund DE Waal emerged as the form's most surprising and elegant storyteller.
I tried to see the world through her child's eyes and I immediately realized that there is no shortage of difficult things to explain to your children.
Then Serge said, “If you look through these frames, you’ll see the world differently.”
Over 1 billion people are now online, nearly 300 million through a broadband connection (see the Internet World statistics link in Resources).
Just imagine, if the only way we can fight about the world was through our senses, if we can see one thing and form one belief and not take that belief and move on to another belief.
It's really an entry into the other world, and you gonna step through it and become a part of the other world which not necessarily you can see it.
It is a festival to go from this world across to the dead world. Let us see through this comedy of sentient being and thereby enjoy it.
It's how they learn, experiment, tinker, express creativity, work through feelings, practice socialization, develop language and math skills, and see the world in new ways.
However, recent studies suggest animals may also be able to feel another creature's suffering, or even see the world through another animal's eyes.
Acting in the world gives us the opportunity to see ourselves through our behaviors and it allows us to adjust our expectations as we learn.
Airlines see the shrinking world largely through dollar signs.
With the Marine Corps training system, forward observers wear a head-mounted display with a see-through visor; objects displayed on the visor appear to be part of the real world.
Go see the world through your own eyes.
She believes her study has helped her see the world through a more thoughtful lens.
We are so anthropomorphic we can't see the world through their eyes.
You see through your eyes the physical world and you also have the ability to see the spiritual world through your third eye.
If I love you, I can empathize with you And see the world through your eyes.
I wish she could see the world through my eyes.
Do you see the world through troubled eyes?
Do you see the world through troubled eyes?