The lymphocytes were isolated with separating medium and then erythrocytes and serum were collected.
The sensor system USES the optical fiber as the transmission medium of bioluminescent bacteria signal, separating the sensor and the optical detecting system, which is convenient for field use.
Thanks to a drying chamber that is jacketed by the separating chamber and filled with a stainless steel silencing medium, most of the noise of escaping steam is absorbed.
The filter medium is used for separating impurity from the fluid stream and is mounted on a support body centrally.
Tape also has the benefit of separating the portable and inexpensive storage medium from the larger, more costly recording machinery.
According to the using condition of heavy medium cyclo ne, this paper develops and designs heavy medium cyclone. It improves separating effect and life in practice.
The best medium of separating and preserving Rhizopus Chinensis Saito is potato glucose medium.
This invention relates to an apparatus for separating particles from gas- or liquid-phase medium by utilization of sonic standing wave field.
Objective To solve the problem in separating caprine mycoplasma difficultly, demanding much nutrition and growing slowly, we propose to improve nutritional ingredients of medium.
Objective To solve the problem in separating caprine mycoplasma difficultly, demanding much nutrition and growing slowly, we propose to improve nutritional ingredients of medium.